This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.
- Examples that focus on implementing uses of built-in components provided by Bootstrap. Starter template. Nothing but the basics: compiled CSS and JavaScript. Multiple examples of grid layouts with all four tiers, nesting, and more. Build around the jumbotron with a navbar and some basic grid columns.
- The details are not unlike those of other examples previously given. Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia William Henry Holmes Within his bosom is the fire of patriotism, and within his mind the examples of all past time. The Duke's Children Anthony Trollope.
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Tutorial labs
Learn how to develop and ship containerized applications, by walking through asample that exhibits canonical practices. These labs are from the Docker Labsrepository.
Examples Of Cover Letters
Sample | Description |
Docker for Beginners | A good 'Docker 101' course. |
Docker Swarm mode | Use Docker for natively managing a cluster of Docker Engines called a swarm. |
Configuring developer tools and programming languages | How to set-up and use common developer tools and programming languages with Docker. |
Live Debugging Java with Docker | Java developers can use Docker to build a development environment where they can run, test, and live debug code running within a container. |
Docker for Java Developers | Offers Java developers an intro-level and self-paced hands-on workshop with Docker. |
Live Debugging a Node.js application in Docker | Node developers can use Docker to build a development environment where they can run, test, and live debug code running within a container. |
Dockerizing a Node.js application | This tutorial starts with a simple Node.js application and details the steps needed to Dockerize it and ensure its scalability. |
Docker for ASP.NET and Windows containers | Docker supports Windows containers, too! Learn how to run ASP.NET, SQL Server, and more in these tutorials. |
Docker Security | How to take advantage of Docker security features. |
Building a 12-factor application with Docker | Use Docker to create an app that conforms to Heroku's '12 factors for cloud-native applications.' |
Sample applications
Run popular software using Docker.
Sample | Description |
apt-cacher-ng | Run a Dockerized apt-cacher-ng instance. |
.Net Core application | Run a Dockerized ASP.NET Core application. |
ASP.NET Core + SQL Server on Linux | Run a Dockerized ASP.NET Core + SQL Server environment. |
CouchDB | Run a Dockerized CouchDB instance. |
Django + PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized Django + PostgreSQL environment. |
PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized PostgreSQL instance. |
Rails + PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized Rails + PostgreSQL environment. |
Riak | Run a Dockerized Riak instance. |
SSHd | Run a Dockerized SSHd instance. |
WordPress | Quickstart: Compose and WordPress. |
Library references
The following table provides a list of popular official Docker images. For detailed documentation, select the specific image name.
Image name | Description |
Adminer | |
Adoptopenjdk | |
Aerospike | |
Alpine | |
Alt | |
Amazoncorretto | |
Amazonlinux | |
Arangodb | |
Backdrop | |
Bash | |
Bonita | |
Buildpack Deps | |
Busybox | |
Cassandra | |
Centos | |
Chronograf | |
Cirros | |
Clearlinux | |
Clefos | |
Clojure | |
Composer | |
Consul | |
Convertigo | |
Couchbase | |
Couchdb | |
Crate | |
Crux | |
Debian | |
Docker | |
Drupal | |
Eclipse Mosquitto | |
Eggdrop | |
Elasticsearch | |
Elixir | |
Erlang | |
Euleros | |
Express Gateway | |
Fedora | |
Flink | |
Fluentd | |
Fsharp | |
Gazebo | |
Gcc | |
Geonetwork | |
Ghost | |
Golang | |
Gradle | |
Groovy | |
Haproxy | |
Haskell | |
Haxe | |
Hello World | |
Httpd | |
Hylang | |
Ibmjava | |
Influxdb | |
Irssi | |
Jetty | |
Jobber | |
Joomla | |
Jruby | |
Julia | |
Kaazing Gateway | |
Kapacitor | |
Kibana | |
Known | |
Kong | |
Lightstreamer | |
Logstash | |
Mageia | |
Mariadb | |
Matomo | |
Maven | |
Mediawiki | |
Memcached | |
Mongo Express | |
Mongo | |
Mono | |
Mysql | |
Nats Streaming | |
Nats | |
Neo4j | |
Neurodebian | |
Nextcloud | |
Nginx | |
Node | |
Notary | |
Nuxeo | |
Odoo | |
Open Liberty | |
Openjdk | |
Opensuse | |
Oraclelinux | |
Orientdb | |
Percona | |
Perl | |
Photon | |
Php Zendserver | |
Php | |
Plone | |
Postfixadmin | |
Postgres | |
Pypy | |
Python | |
R Base | |
Rabbitmq | |
Rakudo Star | |
Rapidoid | |
Redis | |
Redmine | |
Registry | |
Rethinkdb | | | |
Ros | |
Ruby | |
Rust | |
Sapmachine | |
Scratch | |
Sentry | |
Silverpeas | |
Sl | |
Solr | |
Sonarqube | |
Sourcemage | |
Spiped | |
Storm | |
Swarm | |
Swift | |
Swipl | |
Teamspeak | |
Telegraf | |
Thrift | |
Tomcat | |
Tomee | |
Traefik | |
Ubuntu | |
Varnish | |
Vault | |
Websphere Liberty | |
Wordpress | |
Xwiki | |
Yourls | |
Znc | |
Zookeeper |
Redux is distributed with a few examples in its source code. Most of these examples are also on CodeSandbox, an online editor that lets you play with the examples online.
Counter Vanilla#
Run the Counter Vanilla example:
Or check out the sandbox:
It does not require a build system or a view framework and exists to show the raw Redux API used with ES5.
Run the Counter example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is the most basic example of using Redux together with React. For simplicity, it re-renders the React component manually when the store changes. In real projects, you will likely want to use the highly performant React Redux bindings instead.
This example includes tests.
Run the Todos example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is the best example to get a deeper understanding of how the state updates work together with components in Redux. It shows how reducers can delegate handling actions to other reducers, and how you can use React Redux to generate container components from your presentational components.
This example includes tests.
Todos with Undo#
Run the Todos with Undo example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is a variation on the previous example. It is almost identical, but additionally shows how wrapping your reducer with Redux Undo lets you add a Undo/Redo functionality to your app with a few lines of code.
Todos w/ Flow#
Run the Todos w/ Flow example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is like the previous Todos examples, but shows how to use Redux in conjunction with Flow.
Run the TodoMVC example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is the classical TodoMVC example. It's here for the sake of comparison, but it covers the same points as the Todos example.
This example includes tests.
Shopping Cart#
Run the Shopping Cart example:
This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.
- Examples that focus on implementing uses of built-in components provided by Bootstrap. Starter template. Nothing but the basics: compiled CSS and JavaScript. Multiple examples of grid layouts with all four tiers, nesting, and more. Build around the jumbotron with a navbar and some basic grid columns.
- The details are not unlike those of other examples previously given. Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia William Henry Holmes Within his bosom is the fire of patriotism, and within his mind the examples of all past time. The Duke's Children Anthony Trollope.
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Tutorial labs
Learn how to develop and ship containerized applications, by walking through asample that exhibits canonical practices. These labs are from the Docker Labsrepository.
Examples Of Cover Letters
Sample | Description |
Docker for Beginners | A good 'Docker 101' course. |
Docker Swarm mode | Use Docker for natively managing a cluster of Docker Engines called a swarm. |
Configuring developer tools and programming languages | How to set-up and use common developer tools and programming languages with Docker. |
Live Debugging Java with Docker | Java developers can use Docker to build a development environment where they can run, test, and live debug code running within a container. |
Docker for Java Developers | Offers Java developers an intro-level and self-paced hands-on workshop with Docker. |
Live Debugging a Node.js application in Docker | Node developers can use Docker to build a development environment where they can run, test, and live debug code running within a container. |
Dockerizing a Node.js application | This tutorial starts with a simple Node.js application and details the steps needed to Dockerize it and ensure its scalability. |
Docker for ASP.NET and Windows containers | Docker supports Windows containers, too! Learn how to run ASP.NET, SQL Server, and more in these tutorials. |
Docker Security | How to take advantage of Docker security features. |
Building a 12-factor application with Docker | Use Docker to create an app that conforms to Heroku's '12 factors for cloud-native applications.' |
Sample applications
Run popular software using Docker.
Sample | Description |
apt-cacher-ng | Run a Dockerized apt-cacher-ng instance. |
.Net Core application | Run a Dockerized ASP.NET Core application. |
ASP.NET Core + SQL Server on Linux | Run a Dockerized ASP.NET Core + SQL Server environment. |
CouchDB | Run a Dockerized CouchDB instance. |
Django + PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized Django + PostgreSQL environment. |
PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized PostgreSQL instance. |
Rails + PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized Rails + PostgreSQL environment. |
Riak | Run a Dockerized Riak instance. |
SSHd | Run a Dockerized SSHd instance. |
WordPress | Quickstart: Compose and WordPress. |
Library references
The following table provides a list of popular official Docker images. For detailed documentation, select the specific image name.
Image name | Description |
Adminer | |
Adoptopenjdk | |
Aerospike | |
Alpine | |
Alt | |
Amazoncorretto | |
Amazonlinux | |
Arangodb | |
Backdrop | |
Bash | |
Bonita | |
Buildpack Deps | |
Busybox | |
Cassandra | |
Centos | |
Chronograf | |
Cirros | |
Clearlinux | |
Clefos | |
Clojure | |
Composer | |
Consul | |
Convertigo | |
Couchbase | |
Couchdb | |
Crate | |
Crux | |
Debian | |
Docker | |
Drupal | |
Eclipse Mosquitto | |
Eggdrop | |
Elasticsearch | |
Elixir | |
Erlang | |
Euleros | |
Express Gateway | |
Fedora | |
Flink | |
Fluentd | |
Fsharp | |
Gazebo | |
Gcc | |
Geonetwork | |
Ghost | |
Golang | |
Gradle | |
Groovy | |
Haproxy | |
Haskell | |
Haxe | |
Hello World | |
Httpd | |
Hylang | |
Ibmjava | |
Influxdb | |
Irssi | |
Jetty | |
Jobber | |
Joomla | |
Jruby | |
Julia | |
Kaazing Gateway | |
Kapacitor | |
Kibana | |
Known | |
Kong | |
Lightstreamer | |
Logstash | |
Mageia | |
Mariadb | |
Matomo | |
Maven | |
Mediawiki | |
Memcached | |
Mongo Express | |
Mongo | |
Mono | |
Mysql | |
Nats Streaming | |
Nats | |
Neo4j | |
Neurodebian | |
Nextcloud | |
Nginx | |
Node | |
Notary | |
Nuxeo | |
Odoo | |
Open Liberty | |
Openjdk | |
Opensuse | |
Oraclelinux | |
Orientdb | |
Percona | |
Perl | |
Photon | |
Php Zendserver | |
Php | |
Plone | |
Postfixadmin | |
Postgres | |
Pypy | |
Python | |
R Base | |
Rabbitmq | |
Rakudo Star | |
Rapidoid | |
Redis | |
Redmine | |
Registry | |
Rethinkdb | | | |
Ros | |
Ruby | |
Rust | |
Sapmachine | |
Scratch | |
Sentry | |
Silverpeas | |
Sl | |
Solr | |
Sonarqube | |
Sourcemage | |
Spiped | |
Storm | |
Swarm | |
Swift | |
Swipl | |
Teamspeak | |
Telegraf | |
Thrift | |
Tomcat | |
Tomee | |
Traefik | |
Ubuntu | |
Varnish | |
Vault | |
Websphere Liberty | |
Wordpress | |
Xwiki | |
Yourls | |
Znc | |
Zookeeper |
Redux is distributed with a few examples in its source code. Most of these examples are also on CodeSandbox, an online editor that lets you play with the examples online.
Counter Vanilla#
Run the Counter Vanilla example:
Or check out the sandbox:
It does not require a build system or a view framework and exists to show the raw Redux API used with ES5.
Run the Counter example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is the most basic example of using Redux together with React. For simplicity, it re-renders the React component manually when the store changes. In real projects, you will likely want to use the highly performant React Redux bindings instead.
This example includes tests.
Run the Todos example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is the best example to get a deeper understanding of how the state updates work together with components in Redux. It shows how reducers can delegate handling actions to other reducers, and how you can use React Redux to generate container components from your presentational components.
This example includes tests.
Todos with Undo#
Run the Todos with Undo example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is a variation on the previous example. It is almost identical, but additionally shows how wrapping your reducer with Redux Undo lets you add a Undo/Redo functionality to your app with a few lines of code.
Todos w/ Flow#
Run the Todos w/ Flow example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is like the previous Todos examples, but shows how to use Redux in conjunction with Flow.
Run the TodoMVC example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is the classical TodoMVC example. It's here for the sake of comparison, but it covers the same points as the Todos example.
This example includes tests.
Shopping Cart#
Run the Shopping Cart example:
Or check out the sandbox:
Examples Of Acids
This example shows important idiomatic Redux patterns that become important as your app grows. In particular, it shows how to store entities in a normalized way by their IDs, how to compose reducers on several levels, and how to define selectors alongside the reducers so the knowledge about the state shape is encapsulated. It also demonstrates logging with Redux Logger and conditional dispatching of actions with Redux Thunk middleware.
Tree View#
Run the Tree View example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This example demonstrates rendering a deeply nested tree view and representing its state in a normalized form so it is easy to update from reducers. Good rendering performance is achieved by the container components granularly subscribing only to the tree nodes that they render.
This example includes tests.
Run the Async example:
Examples For Words
Or check out the sandbox:
This example includes reading from an asynchronous API, fetching data in response to user input, showing loading indicators, caching the response, and invalidating the cache. It uses Redux Thunk middleware to encapsulate asynchronous side effects.
Examples Of Alliteration
Run the Universal example:
Examples Of Cover Letters
This is a basic demonstration of server rendering with Redux and React. It shows how to prepare the initial store state on the server, and pass it down to the client so the client store can boot up from an existing state.
Real World#
Run the Real World example:
Or check out the sandbox:
This is the most advanced example. It is dense by design. It covers keeping fetched entities in a normalized cache, implementing a custom middleware for API calls, rendering partially loaded data, pagination, caching responses, displaying error messages, and routing. Additionally, it includes Redux DevTools.
Examples Of Resumes
More Examples#
Examples Of Proteins
You can find more examples in the Redux Apps and Examplespage of the Redux Addons Catalog.