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5 Baruchrejected Scriptures

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John Jamison

For God hath ordained to make low each high hill, and (the) everlasting rocks of stones, and great valleys, to fill the unevenness of (the) earth or and for to full-fill the even valleys into the evenness of (the) earth; (so) that Israel (may) go diligently into the honour of God. Baruch chapter 5 KJV (King James Version) 1 Put off, O Jerusalem, the garment of mourning and affliction, and put on the comeliness of the glory that cometh from God for ever. 2 Cast about thee a double garment of the righteousness which cometh from God; and set a diadem on thine head of the glory of the Everlasting. 3 For God will shew thy brightness unto every country under heaven. BARUCH SMITH (blessed).Son of Neriah, the friend, (Jeremiah 32:12) amanuensis, (Jeremiah 26:4-32) and faithful attendant of Jeremiah.(Jeremiah 36:10) ff. 603.)He was of a noble family, comp. (Jeremiah 51:59) Bar. 1:1, and of distinguished acquirements.His enemies accused him of influencing Jeremiah in favor of the Chaldaeans, (Jeremiah 43:3) cf. Jere 27:13 And he was imprisoned until.

After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 'The time has come,' he said. 'The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!'
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will send you out to fish for people.' At once they left their nets and followed him.

The Immediate Word

Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
George Reed
Bethany Peerbolte
Dean Feldmeyer
Thomas Willadsen
For January 24, 2021:
  • And Immediately, God's Mind Is Finally Changed by Katy Stenta — When we argue with God for grace — we almost always 'win.'
  • Second Thoughts: Fishing for Hope by Mary Austin. — Jesus and his friends begin their shared ministry immediately, and we long for the same kind of quick change in our world, even knowing there's no immediate fix.

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Wayne Brouwer
Recently, British researchers discovered that 42 percent of the church-goers in that country fall asleep during the sermon. The numbers may be astounding, but the habit is as old as Eutychus's fatal nap in Acts 20.
Even the great eighteenth-century evangelist John Wesley noticed that a number of people in his congregation were fast asleep. Without a warning, he suddenly broke his train of homiletic thought, and yelled out at the top of his voice, 'FIRE! FIRE!'
Bonnie Bates
Bill Thomas
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
On New Year's Day, 1929, Georgia Tech played University of California in the Rose Bowl. In that game a man named Roy Riegels recovered a fumble for California, but became confused, however, and ran 65 yards in the wrong direction. One of his teammates outran him and tackled him at their own one-yard line. Cal attempted to punt on the next play, but Tech blocked the kick and scored a safety.


John E. Sumwalt
Frank Ramirez
'Yes, God Speaks to Us Directly' by John Sumwalt
'Not Getting Any Credit' by Frank Ramirez
Yes, God Speaks to Us Directly
by John Sumwalt
Psalm 62:5-12
'On God rests my deliverance and my honor;my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.' (v. 7)

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott

One of the interesting features about this story of the calling of the first disciples, is that they all immediately left everything to follow Jesus. It was as though they instinctively knew where they would find life with a capital L.
Donovan Duckling is instinctively tied to his mother's apron strings. When the time is right, will he have a strong enough desire to cut those ties?..


Constance Berg
The prophet Jonah was commanded by God to go to Nineveh; Joel Fil‡rtiga was inspired to go to Paraguay. Jonah knew the journey and its destination would not be kind; Paraguay has not been kind to Joel Fil‡rtiga. Jonah obeyed God's call and went to Nineveh, even though he knew he it would be difficult; Joel Fil‡rtiga obeyed God's call and went to Paraguay, and his life would never be the same.
Richard E. Gribble, CSC
Once upon a time, a diamond was born. He was nothing striking, but rather rough, like the rest of his family. He lived in the darkness and was very content to do just that. As a young diamond he heard tales of how some of his ancestors had left the darkness to a place of light, but that didn't concern him. One day he began to hear noise in the distance, and it came progressively closer. It was the sound of machinery with men talking and often yelling over the roar of the equipment. As time progressed, an opening was made in the cave where he lived.
James R. Wilson
Call To Worship
Leader: Let the redeemed of the Lord gather this day for worship!
People: We were once condemned by our sins and now we know the mercy of God.
Leader: God sent the prophets to call us back into God's will.
People: And God is true and faithful to all who hear and obey the Holy Word.
Leader: Let us proclaim the righteousness of the Lord for all the world to hear!
All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!

who is blessed

Smith's Bible Dictionary


  1. Son of Neriah, the friend, (Jeremiah 32:12) amanuensis, (Jeremiah 26:4-32) and faithful attendant of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 36:10) ff. (B.C. 603.) He was of a noble family, comp. (Jeremiah 51:59) Bar. 1:1, and of distinguished acquirements. His enemies accused him of influencing Jeremiah in favor of the Chaldaeans, (Jeremiah 43:3) cf. Jere 27:13 And he was imprisoned until the capture of Jerusalem, B.C. 586. By the permission of Nebuchadnezzar he remained with Jeremiah at Mizpeh, Jos. Ant. x.9, 1, but was afterwards forced to go down to Egypt. (Jeremiah 43:6) Nothing is known certainly of the close of his life.
  2. The son of Zabbai, who assisted Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:20) (B.C. 446.)
  3. A priest, or family of priests, who signed the covenant with Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 10:6) (B.C. 410.).
  4. The son of Col-hozeh, a descendant of Perez or Pharez, the son of Judah. (Nehemiah 11:5) (B.C. 536.)

1. The son of Neriah, of a distinguished family in the tribe of Judah. He was the faithful friend of Jeremiah. About 605 B. C. he wrote down, from the lips of Jeremiah, all the divine messages to that prophet, and subsequently read them to the people, and again to certain princes. These last took the book, and soon made known its contents to king Jehoiakim, who impiously destroyed it. Baruch wrote it down a second time as before, with some additions, Jeremiah 36:1 32.

He is supposed by some to have accompanied his brother Seraiah to Babylon, with the predictions of Jeremiah respecting that city, Jeremiah 51:59-64. He afterwards shared the persecution of the prophet, was imprisoned with him, and forced to go to Egypt with the rebellious Jews, Jeremiah 43:1-13. After the death of Jeremiah, the rabbins say, he returned to Babylon. An apocryphal book is ascribed to him.

2. Another Baruch is mentioned among the friends of Nehemiah, Nehemiah 3:20 10:6 11:5.

Easton's Bible Dictionary

(1.) The secretary of the prophet Jeremiah (32:12; 36:4). He was of the tribe of Judah (51:59). To him Jeremiah dictated his prophecies regarding the invasion of the Babylonians and the Captivity. These he read to the people from a window in the temple in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah (Jeremiah 36). He afterwards read them before the counsellors of the king at a private interview; and then to the king himself, who, after hearing a part of the roll, cut it with a penknife, and threw it into the fire of his winter parlour, where he was sitting.

During the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, he was the keeper of the deed of purchase Jeremiah had made of the territory of Hanameel (Jeremiah 32:12). Being accused by his enemies of favouring the Chaldeans, he was cast, with Jeremiah, into prison, where he remained till the capture of Jerusalem (B.C. 586). He probably died in Babylon.

(2.) Nehemiah 3:20; 10:6; 11:5.


ba'-ruk, bar'-uk (baruk; Barouch, 'blessed'):
(1) Son of Neriah and brother of Seraiah, King Zedekiah's chamberlain (Jeremiah 51:59). He was the devoted friend (Jeremiah 32:12), the amanuensis (36:4, 32) and faithful attendant (36:10; Josephus, Ant, X, vi, 2) of the prophet Jeremiah. He seems to have been of noble family (see Ant, X, ix, 1; compare Jeremiah 51:59; Baruch 1:1). He was also according to Josephus a man of unusual acquirements (Ant., X, ix, 1). He might have risen to a high position and seemed conscious of this, but under Jeremiah's influence (see Jeremiah 45:5) he repressed his ambition, being content to throw in his lot with the great prophet whose secretary and companion he became. Jeremiah dictated his prophecies to Baruch, who read them to the people (Jeremiah 36). The king (Jehoiakim) was greatly angered at these prophecies and had Baruch arrested and the roll burnt. Baruch however rewrote the prophet's oracles. In the final siege of Jerusalem Baruch stood by his master, witnessing the purchase by the latter of his ancestral estate in Anathoth (Jeremiah 32). According to Josephus (Ant., X, ix, 1) he continued to reside with Jeremiah at Mizpah after the fall of Jerusalem. Subsequent to the murder of Gedaliah, he was accused of having unduly influenced Jeremiah when the latter urged the people to remain in Judah-a fact which shows how great was the influence which Baruch was believed to have had over his master (Jeremiah 43:3). He was carried with Jeremiah to Egypt (Jeremiah 43:6; Ant, X, ix, 6), and thereafter our knowledge of him is merely legendary. According to a tradition preserved by Jerome (on Isaiah 30:6) he died in Egypt soon after reaching that country. Two other traditions say that he went, or by Nebuchadnezzar was carried, to Babylon after this king conquered Egypt. The high character of Baruch and the important part he played in the life and work of Jeremiah induced later generations still further to enhance his reputation, and a large number of spurious writings passed under his name, among them the following:
(a) The APOCALYPSE OF BARUCH (which see);
(b) the Book of Baruch;
(c) the Rest of the Words of Baruch;
(d) the Gnostic Book of Baruch;
(e) the Latin Book of Baruch, composed originally in Latin;
(f) a Greek Apocalypse of Baruch belonging to the 2nd century of our era;
(g) another Book of Baruch belonging to the 4th or 5th century.
(2) A son of Zabbai who aided Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:20).
(3) One of the priests who signed the covenant with Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:6).
(4) The son of Colhozeh, a descendant of Perez, the son of Judah (Nehemiah 11:5).
T. Witton Davies


One of the Apocryphal or Deutero-canonical books, standing between Jeremiah and Lamentations in the Septuagint, but in the Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) after these two books.
I. Name.
See under BARUCH for the meaning of the word and for the history of the best-known Biblical. personage bearing the name. Though Jewish traditions link this book with Jeremiah's amanuensis and loyal friend as author, it is quite certain that it was not written or compiled for hundreds of years after the death of this Baruch. According to Jeremiah 45:1 it was in the 4th year (604 B.C.) of the reign of Jehoiakim (608-597 B.C.) that Baruch wrote down Jeremiah's words in a book and read them in the ears of the nobles (English Versions, 'princes,' but king's sons are not necessarily meant; Jeremiah 36). The Book of Baruch belongs in its present form to the latter half of the 1st century of our era; yet some modern Roman Catholic scholars vigorously maintain that it is the work of Jeremiah's friend and secretary.
II. Contents.
This book and also the Epistle of Jeremy have closer affinities with the canonical Book of Jeremiah than any other part of the Apocrypha. It is probably to this fact that they owe their name and also their position in the Septuagint and in the Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) The book is apparently made up of four separate parts by independent writers, brought together by an editor, owing it is very likely to a mere accident-each being too small to occupy the space on one roll they were all four written on one and the same roll. The following is a brief analysis of the four portions of the book:
1. Historical Introduction:
Historical Introduction, giving an account of the origin and purpose of the book (Baruch 1:1-14). Baruch 1:1 tell us that Baruch wrote this book at Babylon 'in the fifth month (not 'year' as the Septuagint) in the seventh day of the month, what time as the Chaldeans took Jerusalem, and burnt it with fire' (see 2 Kings 25:8). Fritzsche and others read: 'In the fifth year, in the month Sivan (see 1:8), in the seventh day of the month,' etc. Um gives the date of the feast Pentecost, and the supposition is that the party who made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem did so in order to observe that feast. According to 1:3-14, Baruch read his book to King Jehoiachin and his court by the (unidentified) river Sud. King and people on hearing the book fell to weeping, fasting and praying. As a result money was collected and sent, together with Baruch's book, to the high priest Jehoiakim, (NOTE: So spelled in the canonical books; but it is Joacim or Joachim in Apocrypha the King James Version, and in the Apocrypha the Revised Version (British and American) it is invariably Joakim.) to the priests and to the people at Jerusalem. The money is to be used in order to make it possible to carry on the services of the temple, and in particular that prayers may be offered in the temple for the king and his family and also for the superior lord King Nebuchadnezzar and his son Baltasar (= the Belshazzar of Daniel 5).
2. Confession and Prayer:
Confession and prayer (Baruch 1:15-3:8) (1) of the Palestinian remnant (Baruch 1:15-2:15). The speakers are resident in Judah not in Babylon (Baruch 1:15; compare 2:4), as J. T. Marshall and R. H. Charles rightly hold. This section follows throughout the arrangement and phraseology of a prayer contained in Daniel 9:7-15. It is quite impossible to think of Daniel as being based on Baruch, for the writer of the former is far more original than the author or authors of Baruch. But in the present section the original passage in Daniel is altered in a very significant way. Thus in Daniel 9:7 the writer describes those for whom he wrote as `the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel(ites): those near and those far off, in all the lands (countries) whither thou hast driven them on account of their unfaithfulness toward thee.' The italicized words are omitted from Baruch 1:15, though the remaining part of Daniel 9:7 is added. Why this difference? It is evident, as Marshall has ably pointed out, that the editor of the section intends to put the confession and prayer of Baruch 1:15-2:5 into the mouths of Jews who had not been removed into exile. Ewald (History, V, 208, 6) holds that Daniel 9:7-9 is dependent on Baruch 1:15-2:17. The section may thus be analyzed:
(a) Baruch 1:15-22: Confession of the sins of the nation from the days of Moses down to the exile. The principle of solidarity (see Century Bible, 'Psalms,' II, 21, 195, 215) so governed the thoughts of the ancient Israelites that the iniquities of their forefathers were in effect their own.
(b) Baruch 2:1-5: God's righteous judgment on the nation in humbling and scattering them.
Confession and prayer (2) of the exiles in Babylon Baruch 2:16-3:8. That the words in this section are supposed to be uttered by Babylonian exiles appears from 2:13; 3:7 and from the general character of the whole. This portion of the book is almost as dependent on older Scriptures as the foregoing. Three sources seem in particular to have been used.
(a) The Book of Jeremiah has been freely drawn upon.
(b) Deuteronomic phrases occur frequently, especially in the beginning and end. These are perhaps taken second-hand from Jeremiah, a book well known to the author of these verses and deeply loved by him.
(c) Solomon's prayer as recorded in 1 Kings 8 is another quarry from which our author appears to have dug. This section may be thus divided:
(i.) Baruch 2:6-12: Confession, opening as the former (see 1:15) with words extracted from Daniel 9:7.
(ii.) Baruch 2:13-3:8: Prayer for restoration. Baruch 3:1-8 shows more independence than the rest, for the author at this point makes use of language not borrowed from any original known to us. As such these verses are important as a clue to the writer's position, views and character.
In Baruch 3:4 we have the petition: 'Hear now the prayer of the dead Israelites,' etc., words which as they stand involve the doctrine that the dead (Solomon, Daniel, etc.) are still alive and make intercession to Goal on behalf of the living. But this teaching is in opposition to 2:17 which occurs in the same context. Without making any change in the Hebrew consonants we can and should read for 'dead (methe) Israelites' 'the men of (methe) Israel.' The Septuagint confuses the same words in Isaiah 5:13.
3. The Praise of Wisdom:
The praise of 'Wisdom,' for neglecting which Israel is now in a strange land. God alone is the author of wisdom, and He bestows it not upon the great and mighty of this world, but upon His own chosen people, who however have spurned the Divine gift and therefore lost it (Baruch 3:9-4:4).
The passage, Baruch 3:10-13 (Israel's rejection of 'Wisdom' the cause of her exile), goes badly with the context and looks much like an interpolation. The dominant idea in the section is that God has made Israel superior to all other nations by the gift of 'wisdom,' which is highly extolled. Besides standing apart from the context these four verses lack the rhythm which characterize the other verses. What is so cordially commended is described in three ways, each showing up a different facet, as do the eight synonyms for the Divine word in each of the 22 strophes in Psalm 119 (see Century Bible, 'Psalms,' II, 254).
(1) It is called most frequently 'Wisdom.'
(2) In Baruch 4:1 it is described as the Commandments of God and as the Law or more correctly as authoritative instruction. The Hebrew word for this last (torah) bears in this connection, it is probable, the technical meaning of the Pentateuch, a sense which it never has in the Old Testament. Compare Deuteronomy 4:6, where the keeping of the commandments is said to be 'wisdom' and understanding.
4. The Dependence of This Wisdom Section:
(1) The line of thought here resembles closely that pursued in Job 28, which modern scholars rightly regard as a later interpolation. Wisdom, the most valuable of possessions, is beyond the unaided reach of man. God only can give it-that is what is taught in these parts of both Baruch and Job with the question 'Where shall wisdom be found?' (Job 28:12; compare Baruch 3:14, where a similar question forms the basis of the greater portion of the section of Job 38). Wisdom is not here as in Proverbs hypostatized, and the same is true of Job 28. This in itself is a sign of early date, for the personifying of 'wisdom' is a later development (compare Philo, John 1).
(2) The language in this section is modeled largely on that of Deuteronomy, perhaps however through Jeremiah, which is also especially after chapter 10 Deuteronomic in thought and phraseology. See ante II, 2 (2 1b).
The most original part of this division of the book is where the writer enumerates the various classes of the world's great ones to whom God had not given 'wisdom': princes of the heathen, wealthy men, silversmiths, merchants, theologians, philosophers, etc. (Baruch 3:16).
5. Words of Cheer to Israel:
The general thought that pervades the section, Baruch 4:5-5:9, is words of cheer to Israel (i.e. Judah) in exile, but we have here really, according to Rothstein, a compilation edited so skillfully as to give it the appearance of a unity which is not real. Earlier Biblical writings have throughout been largely drawn upon. Rothstein (Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen, etc., 213-15) divides the section in the following manner:
(1) Baruch 4:5-9a: Introductory section, giving the whole its keynote-'Be of good cheer,' etc.; 4:7 follows Deuteronomy 32:15-18.
(2) Baruch 4:9b-29: A song, divisible into two parts.
(a) Personified Jerusalem deplores the calamities of Israel in exile (Baruch 4:9b-16).
(b) She urges her unfortunate children to give themselves to hope and prayer, amending their ways so that God may bring about their deliverance (Baruch 4:17-29).
(c) Baruch 4:30-5:9: A second song, beginning as the first with the words, 'Be of good cheer,' and having the same general aim, to comfort exiled and oppressed Israel.
In all three parts earlier Scriptures have been largely used, and in particular Deutero-Isaiah has had much influence upon the author. But there do not seem to the present writer reasons cogent enough for concluding, with Rothstein, that these three portions are by as many different writers. There is throughout the same recurring thought 'Be of good cheer,' and there is nothing in the style to suggest divergent authorship.
(3) The Relation between Baruch 4:36-5:9 and Psalter of Solomon 11. It was perhaps Ewald (Geschichte, IV, 498) who first pointed out the similarity of language and viewpoint between Baruch 4:36-5:9 and Psalter of Solomon 11, especially 11:3-8. The only possible explanation is that which makes Baruch 4:36 an imitation of Psalter of Solomon 11. So Ewald (op. cit.); Ryle and James (Psalm 70:2).
Psalms of Solomon were written originally in Hebrew, and references to Pompey (died 48 B.C.) and to the capture of Jerusalem (63 B.C.) show that this pseudepigraphical Psalter must have been written in the first half of the 1st century B.C. Bar, as will be shown, is of much later date than this. Besides it is now almost certain that the part of Baruch under discussion was written in Greek (see below, IV) and that it never had a Hebrew original. Now it is exceedingly unlikely that a writer of a Hebrew psalm would copy a Greek original, though the contrary supposition is a very likely one.
On the other hand A. Geiger (Psalt. Sol., XI, 137-39, 1811), followed by W. B. Stevenson (Temple Bible), and many others argue for the priority of Baruch, using this as a reason for giving Baruch an earlier date than is usually done. It is possible, of course, that the Pseudo-Solomon and the Pseudo-Baruch have been digging in the same quarry; and that the real original used by both is lost.
III. Language.
For our present purpose the book must be divided into two principal parts:
(1) Baruch 1-3:8;
(2) 3:9-5:9.
There is general agreement among the best recent scholars from Ewald downward that the first portion of the book at least was written originally in Hebrew.
(1) In the Syro-Hex. text there are margin notes to 1:17 and 2:3 to the effect that these verses are lacking in the Hebrew, i.e. in the original Hebrew text.
(2) There are many linguistic features in this first part which are best explained on the supposition that the Greek text is from a Hebrew original. In Baruch 2:25 the Septuagint English Versions of the Bible apostole at the end of the verse means 'a sending of.' The English Versions of the Bible ('pestilence') renders a Hebrew word which, without the vowel signs (introduced late) is written alike for both meanings (d-b-r). The mistake can be explained only on the assumption of a Hebrew original. Similarly the reading 'dead Israelites' for 'men of Israel' (= Israelites) in 3:4 arose through reading wrong vowels with the same consonants, which last were alone written until the 7th and 8th centuries of our era. off, in all the lands (countries) whither thou hast driven them on account of their unfaithfulness toward thee.' The italicized words are omitted from Baruch 1:15, though the remaining part of Daniel 9:7 is added. Why this difference? It is evident, as Marshall has ably pointed out, that the editor of the section intends to put the confession and prayer of Baruch 1:15-2:5 into the mouths of Jews who had not been removed into exile. Ewald (History, V, 208, 6) holds that Daniel 9:7-9 is dependent on Baruch 1:15-2:17. The section may thus be analyzed:
Frequently, as in Hebrew, sentences begin with Greek kai (= 'and') which, without somewhat slavish copying of the Hebrew, would not be found. The construction called parataxis characterizes Hebrew; in good Greek we meet with hypotaxis.
The Hebrew way of expressing 'where' is put literally into the Greek of this book (Baruch 2:4, 13, 29; 3:8). Many other Hebrew idioms, due, it is probable, to the translator's imitations of his original, occur: in 'to speak in the ears of' (Baruch 1:3); the word 'man' (anthropos) in the sense 'everyone' (Baruch 2:3); 'spoken by thy servants the prophets' is in Greek by 'the hand of the servants,' which is good Hebrew but bad Greek Many other such examples could be added.
There is much less agreement among scholars as to the original language or languages of the second part of the book (Baruch 3:9-5:9). That this part too was written in Hebrew, so that in that case the whole book appeared first in that language, is the position held and defended by Ewald (op. cit.), Kneucker (op. cit.), Konig (Ein), Rothstein (op. cit.) and Bissell (Lange). It is said by these writers that this second part of Baruch equally with the first carries with it marks of being a translation from the Hebrew. But one may safely deny this statement. It must be admitted by anyone who has examined the text of the book that the most striking Hebraisms and the largest number of them occur in the first part of the book. Bissell writes quite fully and warmly in defense of the view that the whole book was at first written in Hebrew, but the Hebraisms which he cites are all with one solitary exception taken from the first part of the book. This one exception is in Baruch 4:15 where the Greek conjunction holi is used for the relative ho, the Hebrew 'asher having the meaning of both. There seems to be a Hebraism in 4:21: 'He shall deliver thee from. the hand of your enemies,' and there are probably others. But there are Hebraisms in Hellenistic Greek always-the present writer designates them 'Hebraisms' or 'Semiticisms' notwithstanding what Deismann, Thumb and Moulton say. In the first part of this book it is their overwhelming number and their striking character that tell so powerfully in favor of a Hebrew original.
(3) The following writers maintain that the second part of the book was written first of all in Greek: Fritzsche, Hilgenfeld, Reuss, Schurer, Gifford, Cornill and R. H. Charles, though they agree that the first part had a Hebrew original. This is probably the likeliest view, though much may be written in favor of a Hebrew original for the whole book and there is nothing quite decisively against it. J. Turner Marshall (Hastings Dictionary of the Bible, I, 253) tries to prove that Baruch 3:9-4:4 was written first in Aramaic, the rest of the book (4:5-5:9) in Greek But though he defends his case with great ability he does not appear to the present writer to have proved his thesis. Ewald (op. cit.), Hitzig (Psalmen2, II, 119), Dillmann, Ruetschi, Fritzsche and Bissell were so greatly impressed by the close likeness between the Greek of Baruch and that of the Septuagint of Jeremiah, that they came to the conclusion that both books were translated by the same person. Subsequently Hitzig decided that Baruch was not written until after 70 A.D., and therefore abandoned his earlier opinion in favor of this one-that the translator of Baruch was well acquainted with the Septuagint of Jeremiah and was strongly influenced by it.
IV. Date or Dates.
It is important to distinguish between the date of the completion of the entire book in its present form and the dates of the several parts which in some or all cases may be much older than that of the whole as such.
1. The Historical Introduction:
Baruch 1:1-14 was written after the completion of the book expressly to form a prologue or historical explanation of the circumstances under which the rest of the book came to be written. To superficial readers it could easily appear that the whole book was written by one man, but a careful examination shows that the book is a compilation. One may conclude that the introduction was the last part of the book to be composed and that therefore its date is that of the completion of the book. Reasons will be given (see below) for believing that 4:5-5:9 belongs to a time subsequent to the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 A.D. This is still more true of this introduction intended as a foreword to the whole book.
2. Confession and Prayer:
The following points bear on the date of the section Baruch 1:15-3:8, assuming it to have one date:
(1) The generation of Israelites to which the writer belonged were suffering for the sins of their ancestors; see especially Baruch 3:1-8.
(2) The second temple was in existence in the writer's day. Baruch 2:26 must (with the best scholars) be translated as follows: 'And thou hast made the house over which thy name is called as it is this day,' i.e. the temple-still in being-is shorn of its former glory. Moreover though Daniel 9:7-14 is largely quoted in Baruch 1:15-2:12, the prayer for the sanctuary and for Jerusalem in Daniel 9:16 is omitted, because the temple is not now in ruins.
(3) Though it is implied (see above II, 2, (1)) that there are Jews in Judah who have never left their land there are a large number in foreign lands, and nothing is said that they were servants of the Babylonian king.
(4) The dependence of Baruch 2:13-3:8 on Deuteronomy, Jeremiah and 1 Kings 8 (Solomon's prayer) shows that this part of the book is later than these writings, i.e. later than say 550 B.C. Compare Baruch 2:13 with Deuteronomy 28:62 and Jeremiah 42:2.
(5) The fact that Daniel 9:7-14 has influenced Baruch 1:15-2:12 proves that a date later than Daniel must be assumed for at least this portion of Baruch. The temple is still standing, so that the book belongs somewhere between 165 B.C., when Daniel was written, and 71 A.D., when the temple was finally destroyed.
Ewald, Gifford and Marshall think that this section belongs to the period following the conquest of Jerusalem by Ptolemy I (320 B.C.). According to Ewald the author of Baruch 1:1-3:8 (regarded as by one hand) was a Jew living in Babylon or Persia. But Daniel had not in 320 B.C. been written. Fritzsche, Schrader, Keil, Toy and Charles assign the section to the Maccabean age-a quite likely date. On the other hand Hitzig, Kneucker and Schurer prefer a date subsequent to 70 A.D. The last writer argues for the unity of this section, though he admits that the middle of chapter 1 comports ill with its context.
3. The Wisdom Section Baruch 3:9-4:4:
It has been pointed out (see above, II, 3) that Baruch 3:10-13 does not belong to this section, being manifestly a later interpolation. The dependence of this Wisdom portion on Job 28 and on Deuteronomy implies a post-exilic date. The identification of Wisdom with the Torah which is evidently a synonym for the Pentateuch, argues a date at any rate not earlier than 300 B.C. But how much later we have no means of ascertaining. The reasons adduced by Kneucker and Marshall for a date immediately before or soon af ter the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. have not convinced the present writer.
4. Words of Cheer Baruch 4:5-5:9:
The situation implied in these words may be thus set forth:
(1) A great calamity has happened to Jerusalem (Baruch 4:9). Nothing is said proving that the whole land has shared the calamity, unless indeed this is implied in Baruch 4:5.
(2) A large number of Jerusalemites have been transported (Baruch 4:10).
(3) The nation that has sacked Jerusalem and carried away many of its inhabitants is 'shameless,' having 'a strange language, neither reverencing old men nor pitying children' (Baruch 4:15).
(4) The present home of the Jerusalemites is a great city (Baruch 4:32-35), not the country. Now the above details do not answer to any dates in the history of the nation except these two:
(a) 586 B.C., when the temple was destroyed by the Babylonians;
(b) 71 A.D., when the temple was finally destroyed by the Romans.
But the date 586 B.C. is out of the question, and no modern scholar pleads for it. We must therefore assume for this portion of the book a date soon after 70 A.D. In the time of Pompey, to which Graetz assigns the book, neither Jerusalem nor the temple was destroyed. Nor was there any destruction of either during the Maccabean war. In favor of this date is the dependence of Baruch 4:36 on Psalter of Solomon 11 (see above, II, 5, (3)).
Rothstein (in Kautzsch) says that in this section there are at least three parts by as many different writers. Marshall argues for four independent parts. But if either of these views is correct the editor has done his work exceedingly well, for the whole harmonizes well together.
Kneucker, author of the fullest Commentary, endeavors to prove that the original book consisted of Baruch 1:1 plus 3a (the heading) plus 3:9-5:9, and that it belongs to the reign of Domitian (81-96 A.D.). The confession and prayer in 1:15-3:8 were written, he says, somewhat earlier and certainly before 71 A.D., and as a separate work, being inserted in the book by the scribe who wrote 1:4-14.
V. Versions.
The most important versions are the following. It is assumed in the article that the Greek text of the book up to Baruch 3:8 is itself a translation from a Hebrew text now lost. The same remark may be true of the rest of the book or of a portion of it (see above, III).
1. Latin:
There are two versions in this language:
(1) The Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) which is really the Old Latin, since Jerome's revision was confined to the Hebrew Scriptures, the Apocrypha being therefore omitted in this revision. This version is a very literal one based on the Greek It is therefore for that reason the more valuable as a witness to the Greek text.
(2) There is a later Latin translation, apparently a revision of the former, for its Latinity is better; in some cases it adopts different readings and in a general way it has been edited so as to bring it into harmony with the Vatican uncial (B). This Latin version was published in Rome by J. Maria Caro (died circa 1688) and was reprinted by Sabatier in parallel columns with the pre-Jeromian version noticed above (see Bibliotheca Casinensis, I, 1873).
2. Syriac:
There are also in this language two extant versions:
(1) The Peshitta, a very literal translation, can be seen in the London (Walton's) Polyglot and most conveniently in Lagarde's Libr. Apocrypha. Syriac., the last being a more accurate reproduction.
(2) The Hexapla Syriac translation made by Paul, bishop of Telle, near the beginning of the 7th century A.D. It has been published by Ceriani with critical apparatus in his beautiful photograph-lithographed edition of the Hexapla Syriac Bible.
3. Arabic:
There is a very literal translation to be found in the London Polyglot, referred to above.
For editions of the Greek text see under APOCRYPHA. Of commentaries the fullest and best is that by Kneucker, Das Buch Baruch (1879), who gives an original German rendering based on a restored Hebrew original. Other valuable commentaries are those by Fritzsche (1851); Ewald, Die Propheten2, etc. (1868), III, 251-82 (Eng. translation); The Prophets of the Old Testament, V, 108-37, by Reusch (1855); Zockler (1891) and Rothstein (op. cit.); and in English, Bissell (in Lange's series edited by D. S. Schaff, 1880); and Gifford (Speaker's Comm., 1888). The S. P. C. K. has a handy and serviceable volume published in the series of popular commentaries on the Old Testament. But this commentary, though published quite recently (my copy belongs to 1894, 'nineteenth thousand'), needs strengthening on the side of its scholarship.
Arts. dealing with introduction occur in the various Bible Dictionaries (Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, Westcott and Ryle; Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible (five volumes), J. T. Marshall, able and original; Encyclopedia Biblica, Bevan, rather slight). To these must be added excellent articles in Jewish Encyclopedia (G. F. Moore), and Encyclopedia Biblica (R. H. Charles).
T. Witton Davies





Strong's Hebrew
5374. Neriyyah -- 'lamp of Yah,' father of Baruch
.. Neriyyah or Neriyyahu. 5375 . 'lamp of Yah,' father of Baruch
. Transliteration:
Neriyyah or Neriyyahu Phonetic Spelling: (nay-ree-yaw') Short Definition: Neriah ..
/hebrew/5374.htm - 6k

1263. Baruk -- 'blessed,' three Israelites
.. 'blessed,' three Israelites. Transliteration: Baruk Phonetic Spelling: (baw-rook')
Short Definition: Baruch. Word Origin pass. part. .. NASB Word Usage Baruch (26). ..
/hebrew/1263.htm - 6k

The Apocalypse of Baruch.
if any, with the usually-received apocryphal work of Baruch? ..
// apocalypse of baruch.htm

Bonnie Bates
Bill Thomas
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
On New Year's Day, 1929, Georgia Tech played University of California in the Rose Bowl. In that game a man named Roy Riegels recovered a fumble for California, but became confused, however, and ran 65 yards in the wrong direction. One of his teammates outran him and tackled him at their own one-yard line. Cal attempted to punt on the next play, but Tech blocked the kick and scored a safety.


John E. Sumwalt
Frank Ramirez
'Yes, God Speaks to Us Directly' by John Sumwalt
'Not Getting Any Credit' by Frank Ramirez
Yes, God Speaks to Us Directly
by John Sumwalt
Psalm 62:5-12
'On God rests my deliverance and my honor;my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.' (v. 7)

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott

One of the interesting features about this story of the calling of the first disciples, is that they all immediately left everything to follow Jesus. It was as though they instinctively knew where they would find life with a capital L.
Donovan Duckling is instinctively tied to his mother's apron strings. When the time is right, will he have a strong enough desire to cut those ties?..


Constance Berg
The prophet Jonah was commanded by God to go to Nineveh; Joel Fil‡rtiga was inspired to go to Paraguay. Jonah knew the journey and its destination would not be kind; Paraguay has not been kind to Joel Fil‡rtiga. Jonah obeyed God's call and went to Nineveh, even though he knew he it would be difficult; Joel Fil‡rtiga obeyed God's call and went to Paraguay, and his life would never be the same.
Richard E. Gribble, CSC
Once upon a time, a diamond was born. He was nothing striking, but rather rough, like the rest of his family. He lived in the darkness and was very content to do just that. As a young diamond he heard tales of how some of his ancestors had left the darkness to a place of light, but that didn't concern him. One day he began to hear noise in the distance, and it came progressively closer. It was the sound of machinery with men talking and often yelling over the roar of the equipment. As time progressed, an opening was made in the cave where he lived.
James R. Wilson
Call To Worship
Leader: Let the redeemed of the Lord gather this day for worship!
People: We were once condemned by our sins and now we know the mercy of God.
Leader: God sent the prophets to call us back into God's will.
People: And God is true and faithful to all who hear and obey the Holy Word.
Leader: Let us proclaim the righteousness of the Lord for all the world to hear!
All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!

who is blessed

Smith's Bible Dictionary


  1. Son of Neriah, the friend, (Jeremiah 32:12) amanuensis, (Jeremiah 26:4-32) and faithful attendant of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 36:10) ff. (B.C. 603.) He was of a noble family, comp. (Jeremiah 51:59) Bar. 1:1, and of distinguished acquirements. His enemies accused him of influencing Jeremiah in favor of the Chaldaeans, (Jeremiah 43:3) cf. Jere 27:13 And he was imprisoned until the capture of Jerusalem, B.C. 586. By the permission of Nebuchadnezzar he remained with Jeremiah at Mizpeh, Jos. Ant. x.9, 1, but was afterwards forced to go down to Egypt. (Jeremiah 43:6) Nothing is known certainly of the close of his life.
  2. The son of Zabbai, who assisted Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:20) (B.C. 446.)
  3. A priest, or family of priests, who signed the covenant with Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 10:6) (B.C. 410.).
  4. The son of Col-hozeh, a descendant of Perez or Pharez, the son of Judah. (Nehemiah 11:5) (B.C. 536.)

1. The son of Neriah, of a distinguished family in the tribe of Judah. He was the faithful friend of Jeremiah. About 605 B. C. he wrote down, from the lips of Jeremiah, all the divine messages to that prophet, and subsequently read them to the people, and again to certain princes. These last took the book, and soon made known its contents to king Jehoiakim, who impiously destroyed it. Baruch wrote it down a second time as before, with some additions, Jeremiah 36:1 32.

He is supposed by some to have accompanied his brother Seraiah to Babylon, with the predictions of Jeremiah respecting that city, Jeremiah 51:59-64. He afterwards shared the persecution of the prophet, was imprisoned with him, and forced to go to Egypt with the rebellious Jews, Jeremiah 43:1-13. After the death of Jeremiah, the rabbins say, he returned to Babylon. An apocryphal book is ascribed to him.

2. Another Baruch is mentioned among the friends of Nehemiah, Nehemiah 3:20 10:6 11:5.

Easton's Bible Dictionary

(1.) The secretary of the prophet Jeremiah (32:12; 36:4). He was of the tribe of Judah (51:59). To him Jeremiah dictated his prophecies regarding the invasion of the Babylonians and the Captivity. These he read to the people from a window in the temple in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah (Jeremiah 36). He afterwards read them before the counsellors of the king at a private interview; and then to the king himself, who, after hearing a part of the roll, cut it with a penknife, and threw it into the fire of his winter parlour, where he was sitting.

During the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, he was the keeper of the deed of purchase Jeremiah had made of the territory of Hanameel (Jeremiah 32:12). Being accused by his enemies of favouring the Chaldeans, he was cast, with Jeremiah, into prison, where he remained till the capture of Jerusalem (B.C. 586). He probably died in Babylon.

(2.) Nehemiah 3:20; 10:6; 11:5.


ba'-ruk, bar'-uk (baruk; Barouch, 'blessed'):
(1) Son of Neriah and brother of Seraiah, King Zedekiah's chamberlain (Jeremiah 51:59). He was the devoted friend (Jeremiah 32:12), the amanuensis (36:4, 32) and faithful attendant (36:10; Josephus, Ant, X, vi, 2) of the prophet Jeremiah. He seems to have been of noble family (see Ant, X, ix, 1; compare Jeremiah 51:59; Baruch 1:1). He was also according to Josephus a man of unusual acquirements (Ant., X, ix, 1). He might have risen to a high position and seemed conscious of this, but under Jeremiah's influence (see Jeremiah 45:5) he repressed his ambition, being content to throw in his lot with the great prophet whose secretary and companion he became. Jeremiah dictated his prophecies to Baruch, who read them to the people (Jeremiah 36). The king (Jehoiakim) was greatly angered at these prophecies and had Baruch arrested and the roll burnt. Baruch however rewrote the prophet's oracles. In the final siege of Jerusalem Baruch stood by his master, witnessing the purchase by the latter of his ancestral estate in Anathoth (Jeremiah 32). According to Josephus (Ant., X, ix, 1) he continued to reside with Jeremiah at Mizpah after the fall of Jerusalem. Subsequent to the murder of Gedaliah, he was accused of having unduly influenced Jeremiah when the latter urged the people to remain in Judah-a fact which shows how great was the influence which Baruch was believed to have had over his master (Jeremiah 43:3). He was carried with Jeremiah to Egypt (Jeremiah 43:6; Ant, X, ix, 6), and thereafter our knowledge of him is merely legendary. According to a tradition preserved by Jerome (on Isaiah 30:6) he died in Egypt soon after reaching that country. Two other traditions say that he went, or by Nebuchadnezzar was carried, to Babylon after this king conquered Egypt. The high character of Baruch and the important part he played in the life and work of Jeremiah induced later generations still further to enhance his reputation, and a large number of spurious writings passed under his name, among them the following:
(a) The APOCALYPSE OF BARUCH (which see);
(b) the Book of Baruch;
(c) the Rest of the Words of Baruch;
(d) the Gnostic Book of Baruch;
(e) the Latin Book of Baruch, composed originally in Latin;
(f) a Greek Apocalypse of Baruch belonging to the 2nd century of our era;
(g) another Book of Baruch belonging to the 4th or 5th century.
(2) A son of Zabbai who aided Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:20).
(3) One of the priests who signed the covenant with Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:6).
(4) The son of Colhozeh, a descendant of Perez, the son of Judah (Nehemiah 11:5).
T. Witton Davies


One of the Apocryphal or Deutero-canonical books, standing between Jeremiah and Lamentations in the Septuagint, but in the Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) after these two books.
I. Name.
See under BARUCH for the meaning of the word and for the history of the best-known Biblical. personage bearing the name. Though Jewish traditions link this book with Jeremiah's amanuensis and loyal friend as author, it is quite certain that it was not written or compiled for hundreds of years after the death of this Baruch. According to Jeremiah 45:1 it was in the 4th year (604 B.C.) of the reign of Jehoiakim (608-597 B.C.) that Baruch wrote down Jeremiah's words in a book and read them in the ears of the nobles (English Versions, 'princes,' but king's sons are not necessarily meant; Jeremiah 36). The Book of Baruch belongs in its present form to the latter half of the 1st century of our era; yet some modern Roman Catholic scholars vigorously maintain that it is the work of Jeremiah's friend and secretary.
II. Contents.
This book and also the Epistle of Jeremy have closer affinities with the canonical Book of Jeremiah than any other part of the Apocrypha. It is probably to this fact that they owe their name and also their position in the Septuagint and in the Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) The book is apparently made up of four separate parts by independent writers, brought together by an editor, owing it is very likely to a mere accident-each being too small to occupy the space on one roll they were all four written on one and the same roll. The following is a brief analysis of the four portions of the book:
1. Historical Introduction:
Historical Introduction, giving an account of the origin and purpose of the book (Baruch 1:1-14). Baruch 1:1 tell us that Baruch wrote this book at Babylon 'in the fifth month (not 'year' as the Septuagint) in the seventh day of the month, what time as the Chaldeans took Jerusalem, and burnt it with fire' (see 2 Kings 25:8). Fritzsche and others read: 'In the fifth year, in the month Sivan (see 1:8), in the seventh day of the month,' etc. Um gives the date of the feast Pentecost, and the supposition is that the party who made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem did so in order to observe that feast. According to 1:3-14, Baruch read his book to King Jehoiachin and his court by the (unidentified) river Sud. King and people on hearing the book fell to weeping, fasting and praying. As a result money was collected and sent, together with Baruch's book, to the high priest Jehoiakim, (NOTE: So spelled in the canonical books; but it is Joacim or Joachim in Apocrypha the King James Version, and in the Apocrypha the Revised Version (British and American) it is invariably Joakim.) to the priests and to the people at Jerusalem. The money is to be used in order to make it possible to carry on the services of the temple, and in particular that prayers may be offered in the temple for the king and his family and also for the superior lord King Nebuchadnezzar and his son Baltasar (= the Belshazzar of Daniel 5).
2. Confession and Prayer:
Confession and prayer (Baruch 1:15-3:8) (1) of the Palestinian remnant (Baruch 1:15-2:15). The speakers are resident in Judah not in Babylon (Baruch 1:15; compare 2:4), as J. T. Marshall and R. H. Charles rightly hold. This section follows throughout the arrangement and phraseology of a prayer contained in Daniel 9:7-15. It is quite impossible to think of Daniel as being based on Baruch, for the writer of the former is far more original than the author or authors of Baruch. But in the present section the original passage in Daniel is altered in a very significant way. Thus in Daniel 9:7 the writer describes those for whom he wrote as `the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel(ites): those near and those far off, in all the lands (countries) whither thou hast driven them on account of their unfaithfulness toward thee.' The italicized words are omitted from Baruch 1:15, though the remaining part of Daniel 9:7 is added. Why this difference? It is evident, as Marshall has ably pointed out, that the editor of the section intends to put the confession and prayer of Baruch 1:15-2:5 into the mouths of Jews who had not been removed into exile. Ewald (History, V, 208, 6) holds that Daniel 9:7-9 is dependent on Baruch 1:15-2:17. The section may thus be analyzed:
(a) Baruch 1:15-22: Confession of the sins of the nation from the days of Moses down to the exile. The principle of solidarity (see Century Bible, 'Psalms,' II, 21, 195, 215) so governed the thoughts of the ancient Israelites that the iniquities of their forefathers were in effect their own.
(b) Baruch 2:1-5: God's righteous judgment on the nation in humbling and scattering them.
Confession and prayer (2) of the exiles in Babylon Baruch 2:16-3:8. That the words in this section are supposed to be uttered by Babylonian exiles appears from 2:13; 3:7 and from the general character of the whole. This portion of the book is almost as dependent on older Scriptures as the foregoing. Three sources seem in particular to have been used.
(a) The Book of Jeremiah has been freely drawn upon.
(b) Deuteronomic phrases occur frequently, especially in the beginning and end. These are perhaps taken second-hand from Jeremiah, a book well known to the author of these verses and deeply loved by him.
(c) Solomon's prayer as recorded in 1 Kings 8 is another quarry from which our author appears to have dug. This section may be thus divided:
(i.) Baruch 2:6-12: Confession, opening as the former (see 1:15) with words extracted from Daniel 9:7.
(ii.) Baruch 2:13-3:8: Prayer for restoration. Baruch 3:1-8 shows more independence than the rest, for the author at this point makes use of language not borrowed from any original known to us. As such these verses are important as a clue to the writer's position, views and character.
In Baruch 3:4 we have the petition: 'Hear now the prayer of the dead Israelites,' etc., words which as they stand involve the doctrine that the dead (Solomon, Daniel, etc.) are still alive and make intercession to Goal on behalf of the living. But this teaching is in opposition to 2:17 which occurs in the same context. Without making any change in the Hebrew consonants we can and should read for 'dead (methe) Israelites' 'the men of (methe) Israel.' The Septuagint confuses the same words in Isaiah 5:13.
3. The Praise of Wisdom:
The praise of 'Wisdom,' for neglecting which Israel is now in a strange land. God alone is the author of wisdom, and He bestows it not upon the great and mighty of this world, but upon His own chosen people, who however have spurned the Divine gift and therefore lost it (Baruch 3:9-4:4).
The passage, Baruch 3:10-13 (Israel's rejection of 'Wisdom' the cause of her exile), goes badly with the context and looks much like an interpolation. The dominant idea in the section is that God has made Israel superior to all other nations by the gift of 'wisdom,' which is highly extolled. Besides standing apart from the context these four verses lack the rhythm which characterize the other verses. What is so cordially commended is described in three ways, each showing up a different facet, as do the eight synonyms for the Divine word in each of the 22 strophes in Psalm 119 (see Century Bible, 'Psalms,' II, 254).
(1) It is called most frequently 'Wisdom.'
(2) In Baruch 4:1 it is described as the Commandments of God and as the Law or more correctly as authoritative instruction. The Hebrew word for this last (torah) bears in this connection, it is probable, the technical meaning of the Pentateuch, a sense which it never has in the Old Testament. Compare Deuteronomy 4:6, where the keeping of the commandments is said to be 'wisdom' and understanding.
4. The Dependence of This Wisdom Section:
(1) The line of thought here resembles closely that pursued in Job 28, which modern scholars rightly regard as a later interpolation. Wisdom, the most valuable of possessions, is beyond the unaided reach of man. God only can give it-that is what is taught in these parts of both Baruch and Job with the question 'Where shall wisdom be found?' (Job 28:12; compare Baruch 3:14, where a similar question forms the basis of the greater portion of the section of Job 38). Wisdom is not here as in Proverbs hypostatized, and the same is true of Job 28. This in itself is a sign of early date, for the personifying of 'wisdom' is a later development (compare Philo, John 1).
(2) The language in this section is modeled largely on that of Deuteronomy, perhaps however through Jeremiah, which is also especially after chapter 10 Deuteronomic in thought and phraseology. See ante II, 2 (2 1b).
The most original part of this division of the book is where the writer enumerates the various classes of the world's great ones to whom God had not given 'wisdom': princes of the heathen, wealthy men, silversmiths, merchants, theologians, philosophers, etc. (Baruch 3:16).
5. Words of Cheer to Israel:
The general thought that pervades the section, Baruch 4:5-5:9, is words of cheer to Israel (i.e. Judah) in exile, but we have here really, according to Rothstein, a compilation edited so skillfully as to give it the appearance of a unity which is not real. Earlier Biblical writings have throughout been largely drawn upon. Rothstein (Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen, etc., 213-15) divides the section in the following manner:
(1) Baruch 4:5-9a: Introductory section, giving the whole its keynote-'Be of good cheer,' etc.; 4:7 follows Deuteronomy 32:15-18.
(2) Baruch 4:9b-29: A song, divisible into two parts.
(a) Personified Jerusalem deplores the calamities of Israel in exile (Baruch 4:9b-16).
(b) She urges her unfortunate children to give themselves to hope and prayer, amending their ways so that God may bring about their deliverance (Baruch 4:17-29).
(c) Baruch 4:30-5:9: A second song, beginning as the first with the words, 'Be of good cheer,' and having the same general aim, to comfort exiled and oppressed Israel.
In all three parts earlier Scriptures have been largely used, and in particular Deutero-Isaiah has had much influence upon the author. But there do not seem to the present writer reasons cogent enough for concluding, with Rothstein, that these three portions are by as many different writers. There is throughout the same recurring thought 'Be of good cheer,' and there is nothing in the style to suggest divergent authorship.
(3) The Relation between Baruch 4:36-5:9 and Psalter of Solomon 11. It was perhaps Ewald (Geschichte, IV, 498) who first pointed out the similarity of language and viewpoint between Baruch 4:36-5:9 and Psalter of Solomon 11, especially 11:3-8. The only possible explanation is that which makes Baruch 4:36 an imitation of Psalter of Solomon 11. So Ewald (op. cit.); Ryle and James (Psalm 70:2).
Psalms of Solomon were written originally in Hebrew, and references to Pompey (died 48 B.C.) and to the capture of Jerusalem (63 B.C.) show that this pseudepigraphical Psalter must have been written in the first half of the 1st century B.C. Bar, as will be shown, is of much later date than this. Besides it is now almost certain that the part of Baruch under discussion was written in Greek (see below, IV) and that it never had a Hebrew original. Now it is exceedingly unlikely that a writer of a Hebrew psalm would copy a Greek original, though the contrary supposition is a very likely one.
On the other hand A. Geiger (Psalt. Sol., XI, 137-39, 1811), followed by W. B. Stevenson (Temple Bible), and many others argue for the priority of Baruch, using this as a reason for giving Baruch an earlier date than is usually done. It is possible, of course, that the Pseudo-Solomon and the Pseudo-Baruch have been digging in the same quarry; and that the real original used by both is lost.
III. Language.
For our present purpose the book must be divided into two principal parts:
(1) Baruch 1-3:8;
(2) 3:9-5:9.
There is general agreement among the best recent scholars from Ewald downward that the first portion of the book at least was written originally in Hebrew.
(1) In the Syro-Hex. text there are margin notes to 1:17 and 2:3 to the effect that these verses are lacking in the Hebrew, i.e. in the original Hebrew text.
(2) There are many linguistic features in this first part which are best explained on the supposition that the Greek text is from a Hebrew original. In Baruch 2:25 the Septuagint English Versions of the Bible apostole at the end of the verse means 'a sending of.' The English Versions of the Bible ('pestilence') renders a Hebrew word which, without the vowel signs (introduced late) is written alike for both meanings (d-b-r). The mistake can be explained only on the assumption of a Hebrew original. Similarly the reading 'dead Israelites' for 'men of Israel' (= Israelites) in 3:4 arose through reading wrong vowels with the same consonants, which last were alone written until the 7th and 8th centuries of our era. off, in all the lands (countries) whither thou hast driven them on account of their unfaithfulness toward thee.' The italicized words are omitted from Baruch 1:15, though the remaining part of Daniel 9:7 is added. Why this difference? It is evident, as Marshall has ably pointed out, that the editor of the section intends to put the confession and prayer of Baruch 1:15-2:5 into the mouths of Jews who had not been removed into exile. Ewald (History, V, 208, 6) holds that Daniel 9:7-9 is dependent on Baruch 1:15-2:17. The section may thus be analyzed:
Frequently, as in Hebrew, sentences begin with Greek kai (= 'and') which, without somewhat slavish copying of the Hebrew, would not be found. The construction called parataxis characterizes Hebrew; in good Greek we meet with hypotaxis.
The Hebrew way of expressing 'where' is put literally into the Greek of this book (Baruch 2:4, 13, 29; 3:8). Many other Hebrew idioms, due, it is probable, to the translator's imitations of his original, occur: in 'to speak in the ears of' (Baruch 1:3); the word 'man' (anthropos) in the sense 'everyone' (Baruch 2:3); 'spoken by thy servants the prophets' is in Greek by 'the hand of the servants,' which is good Hebrew but bad Greek Many other such examples could be added.
There is much less agreement among scholars as to the original language or languages of the second part of the book (Baruch 3:9-5:9). That this part too was written in Hebrew, so that in that case the whole book appeared first in that language, is the position held and defended by Ewald (op. cit.), Kneucker (op. cit.), Konig (Ein), Rothstein (op. cit.) and Bissell (Lange). It is said by these writers that this second part of Baruch equally with the first carries with it marks of being a translation from the Hebrew. But one may safely deny this statement. It must be admitted by anyone who has examined the text of the book that the most striking Hebraisms and the largest number of them occur in the first part of the book. Bissell writes quite fully and warmly in defense of the view that the whole book was at first written in Hebrew, but the Hebraisms which he cites are all with one solitary exception taken from the first part of the book. This one exception is in Baruch 4:15 where the Greek conjunction holi is used for the relative ho, the Hebrew 'asher having the meaning of both. There seems to be a Hebraism in 4:21: 'He shall deliver thee from. the hand of your enemies,' and there are probably others. But there are Hebraisms in Hellenistic Greek always-the present writer designates them 'Hebraisms' or 'Semiticisms' notwithstanding what Deismann, Thumb and Moulton say. In the first part of this book it is their overwhelming number and their striking character that tell so powerfully in favor of a Hebrew original.
(3) The following writers maintain that the second part of the book was written first of all in Greek: Fritzsche, Hilgenfeld, Reuss, Schurer, Gifford, Cornill and R. H. Charles, though they agree that the first part had a Hebrew original. This is probably the likeliest view, though much may be written in favor of a Hebrew original for the whole book and there is nothing quite decisively against it. J. Turner Marshall (Hastings Dictionary of the Bible, I, 253) tries to prove that Baruch 3:9-4:4 was written first in Aramaic, the rest of the book (4:5-5:9) in Greek But though he defends his case with great ability he does not appear to the present writer to have proved his thesis. Ewald (op. cit.), Hitzig (Psalmen2, II, 119), Dillmann, Ruetschi, Fritzsche and Bissell were so greatly impressed by the close likeness between the Greek of Baruch and that of the Septuagint of Jeremiah, that they came to the conclusion that both books were translated by the same person. Subsequently Hitzig decided that Baruch was not written until after 70 A.D., and therefore abandoned his earlier opinion in favor of this one-that the translator of Baruch was well acquainted with the Septuagint of Jeremiah and was strongly influenced by it.
IV. Date or Dates.
It is important to distinguish between the date of the completion of the entire book in its present form and the dates of the several parts which in some or all cases may be much older than that of the whole as such.
1. The Historical Introduction:
Baruch 1:1-14 was written after the completion of the book expressly to form a prologue or historical explanation of the circumstances under which the rest of the book came to be written. To superficial readers it could easily appear that the whole book was written by one man, but a careful examination shows that the book is a compilation. One may conclude that the introduction was the last part of the book to be composed and that therefore its date is that of the completion of the book. Reasons will be given (see below) for believing that 4:5-5:9 belongs to a time subsequent to the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 A.D. This is still more true of this introduction intended as a foreword to the whole book.
2. Confession and Prayer:
The following points bear on the date of the section Baruch 1:15-3:8, assuming it to have one date:
(1) The generation of Israelites to which the writer belonged were suffering for the sins of their ancestors; see especially Baruch 3:1-8.
(2) The second temple was in existence in the writer's day. Baruch 2:26 must (with the best scholars) be translated as follows: 'And thou hast made the house over which thy name is called as it is this day,' i.e. the temple-still in being-is shorn of its former glory. Moreover though Daniel 9:7-14 is largely quoted in Baruch 1:15-2:12, the prayer for the sanctuary and for Jerusalem in Daniel 9:16 is omitted, because the temple is not now in ruins.
(3) Though it is implied (see above II, 2, (1)) that there are Jews in Judah who have never left their land there are a large number in foreign lands, and nothing is said that they were servants of the Babylonian king.
(4) The dependence of Baruch 2:13-3:8 on Deuteronomy, Jeremiah and 1 Kings 8 (Solomon's prayer) shows that this part of the book is later than these writings, i.e. later than say 550 B.C. Compare Baruch 2:13 with Deuteronomy 28:62 and Jeremiah 42:2.
(5) The fact that Daniel 9:7-14 has influenced Baruch 1:15-2:12 proves that a date later than Daniel must be assumed for at least this portion of Baruch. The temple is still standing, so that the book belongs somewhere between 165 B.C., when Daniel was written, and 71 A.D., when the temple was finally destroyed.
Ewald, Gifford and Marshall think that this section belongs to the period following the conquest of Jerusalem by Ptolemy I (320 B.C.). According to Ewald the author of Baruch 1:1-3:8 (regarded as by one hand) was a Jew living in Babylon or Persia. But Daniel had not in 320 B.C. been written. Fritzsche, Schrader, Keil, Toy and Charles assign the section to the Maccabean age-a quite likely date. On the other hand Hitzig, Kneucker and Schurer prefer a date subsequent to 70 A.D. The last writer argues for the unity of this section, though he admits that the middle of chapter 1 comports ill with its context.
3. The Wisdom Section Baruch 3:9-4:4:
It has been pointed out (see above, II, 3) that Baruch 3:10-13 does not belong to this section, being manifestly a later interpolation. The dependence of this Wisdom portion on Job 28 and on Deuteronomy implies a post-exilic date. The identification of Wisdom with the Torah which is evidently a synonym for the Pentateuch, argues a date at any rate not earlier than 300 B.C. But how much later we have no means of ascertaining. The reasons adduced by Kneucker and Marshall for a date immediately before or soon af ter the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. have not convinced the present writer.
4. Words of Cheer Baruch 4:5-5:9:
The situation implied in these words may be thus set forth:
(1) A great calamity has happened to Jerusalem (Baruch 4:9). Nothing is said proving that the whole land has shared the calamity, unless indeed this is implied in Baruch 4:5.
(2) A large number of Jerusalemites have been transported (Baruch 4:10).
(3) The nation that has sacked Jerusalem and carried away many of its inhabitants is 'shameless,' having 'a strange language, neither reverencing old men nor pitying children' (Baruch 4:15).
(4) The present home of the Jerusalemites is a great city (Baruch 4:32-35), not the country. Now the above details do not answer to any dates in the history of the nation except these two:
(a) 586 B.C., when the temple was destroyed by the Babylonians;
(b) 71 A.D., when the temple was finally destroyed by the Romans.
But the date 586 B.C. is out of the question, and no modern scholar pleads for it. We must therefore assume for this portion of the book a date soon after 70 A.D. In the time of Pompey, to which Graetz assigns the book, neither Jerusalem nor the temple was destroyed. Nor was there any destruction of either during the Maccabean war. In favor of this date is the dependence of Baruch 4:36 on Psalter of Solomon 11 (see above, II, 5, (3)).
Rothstein (in Kautzsch) says that in this section there are at least three parts by as many different writers. Marshall argues for four independent parts. But if either of these views is correct the editor has done his work exceedingly well, for the whole harmonizes well together.
Kneucker, author of the fullest Commentary, endeavors to prove that the original book consisted of Baruch 1:1 plus 3a (the heading) plus 3:9-5:9, and that it belongs to the reign of Domitian (81-96 A.D.). The confession and prayer in 1:15-3:8 were written, he says, somewhat earlier and certainly before 71 A.D., and as a separate work, being inserted in the book by the scribe who wrote 1:4-14.
V. Versions.
The most important versions are the following. It is assumed in the article that the Greek text of the book up to Baruch 3:8 is itself a translation from a Hebrew text now lost. The same remark may be true of the rest of the book or of a portion of it (see above, III).
1. Latin:
There are two versions in this language:
(1) The Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) which is really the Old Latin, since Jerome's revision was confined to the Hebrew Scriptures, the Apocrypha being therefore omitted in this revision. This version is a very literal one based on the Greek It is therefore for that reason the more valuable as a witness to the Greek text.
(2) There is a later Latin translation, apparently a revision of the former, for its Latinity is better; in some cases it adopts different readings and in a general way it has been edited so as to bring it into harmony with the Vatican uncial (B). This Latin version was published in Rome by J. Maria Caro (died circa 1688) and was reprinted by Sabatier in parallel columns with the pre-Jeromian version noticed above (see Bibliotheca Casinensis, I, 1873).
2. Syriac:
There are also in this language two extant versions:
(1) The Peshitta, a very literal translation, can be seen in the London (Walton's) Polyglot and most conveniently in Lagarde's Libr. Apocrypha. Syriac., the last being a more accurate reproduction.
(2) The Hexapla Syriac translation made by Paul, bishop of Telle, near the beginning of the 7th century A.D. It has been published by Ceriani with critical apparatus in his beautiful photograph-lithographed edition of the Hexapla Syriac Bible.
3. Arabic:
There is a very literal translation to be found in the London Polyglot, referred to above.
For editions of the Greek text see under APOCRYPHA. Of commentaries the fullest and best is that by Kneucker, Das Buch Baruch (1879), who gives an original German rendering based on a restored Hebrew original. Other valuable commentaries are those by Fritzsche (1851); Ewald, Die Propheten2, etc. (1868), III, 251-82 (Eng. translation); The Prophets of the Old Testament, V, 108-37, by Reusch (1855); Zockler (1891) and Rothstein (op. cit.); and in English, Bissell (in Lange's series edited by D. S. Schaff, 1880); and Gifford (Speaker's Comm., 1888). The S. P. C. K. has a handy and serviceable volume published in the series of popular commentaries on the Old Testament. But this commentary, though published quite recently (my copy belongs to 1894, 'nineteenth thousand'), needs strengthening on the side of its scholarship.
Arts. dealing with introduction occur in the various Bible Dictionaries (Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, Westcott and Ryle; Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible (five volumes), J. T. Marshall, able and original; Encyclopedia Biblica, Bevan, rather slight). To these must be added excellent articles in Jewish Encyclopedia (G. F. Moore), and Encyclopedia Biblica (R. H. Charles).
T. Witton Davies





Strong's Hebrew
5374. Neriyyah -- 'lamp of Yah,' father of Baruch
.. Neriyyah or Neriyyahu. 5375 . 'lamp of Yah,' father of Baruch. Transliteration:
Neriyyah or Neriyyahu Phonetic Spelling: (nay-ree-yaw') Short Definition: Neriah ..
/hebrew/5374.htm - 6k

1263. Baruk -- 'blessed,' three Israelites
.. 'blessed,' three Israelites. Transliteration: Baruk Phonetic Spelling: (baw-rook')
Short Definition: Baruch. Word Origin pass. part. .. NASB Word Usage Baruch (26). ..
/hebrew/1263.htm - 6k

The Apocalypse of Baruch.
if any, with the usually-received apocryphal work of Baruch? ..
// apocalypse of baruch.htm

Oath Used by the Justinian Heretics; the Book of Baruch; the ..
.. Book V. Chapter XXII.'Oath Used by the Justinian Heretics; The Book of
Baruch; The Repertory of Their System. Hence [594] also ..
/../hippolytus/the refutation of all heresies/chapter xxii oath used by the.htm

The Justinian Heresy Unfolded in the 'Book of Baruch. '
.. Book V. Chapter XIX.'The Justinian Heresy Unfolded in the 'Book of Baruch.'.
But swear, says Justinus, if you wish to know 'what ..
/../the refutation of all heresies/chapter xix the justinian heresy unfolded.htm

The Writing of an Ancient Book
.. Then Jeremiah called Baruch, the son of Neriah; and Baruch wrote on a parchment
roll as Jeremiah told him all the words which Jehovah had spoken to him. ..
/../sherman/the childrens bible/the writing of an ancient.htm

The Bible
.. and the Lord said: 'Take a roll of a book and write therein all the words that I
have spoken to thee.' Then we are told that 'Jeremiah called Baruch, the son ..
/../ christianity and the bible/the bible.htm

Use of the Old Testament by the First Christian Writers, and by ..
.. Accordingly, Irenaeus(94) quotes Baruch under the name of 'Jeremiah the
prophet;'(95) and the additions to Daniel as 'Daniel the prophet.'(96) Clement of ..
/../ canon of the bible/chapter v use of the.htm

The Last Supper.
.. And it came to pass that when Peter and John were still on their way to Jerusalem,
Baruch, the servant of Mark, came out into the street with a pitcher of water ..
// of the jews/chapter iii the last supper.htm

The Restoration of the Jews.
.. Symbolic method of teaching.'The wooden yoke and the iron yoke.'The title deeds
of Jeremiah's estate.'The deeds deposited.'Baruch writes Jeremiah's ..
/../ the great/chapter ix the restoration of.htm

The Third Rule to be Added Is: that He who Comes into the Presence ..
.. was most truly and piously written by the uncertain author (whoever he may have
been) that wrote the book which is attributed to the prophet Baruch, [2] 'But ..
/../calvin/of prayer--a perpetual exercise of faith/chapter 8 the third rule.htm

Justinus' Triad of Principles; his Angelography Founded on this ..
.. And the names of the angels begotten by the Father are these: Micha?�l, Amen, [570]
Baruch, Gabriel, Esadd??us..And of the maternal angels which Edem brought ..
/../the refutation of all heresies/chapter xxi justinus triad of principles.htm

Baruch (24 Occurrences)
.. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. BARUCH. ba .. Jeremiah dictated his prophecies
to Baruch, who read them to the people (Jeremiah 36). The ..
/b/baruch.htm - 46k

Examples. Neriah (10 Occurrences)
.. ne-ri'-a (neriyah, 'whose lamp is Yah'): The father of Seraiah and of Baruch,
Jeremiah's friend and secretary (Jeremiah 32:12, 16; Jeremiah 36:4, 8, 32; 43:3 ..
/n/neriah.htm - 10k

Neri'ah (8 Occurrences)
.. Jeremiah 32:12 And I give the purchase-book unto Baruch son of Neriah, son of Maaseiah,
before the eyes of Hanameel, my uncle's son, and before the eyes of the ..
/n/neri'ah.htm - 9k

Nerijah (8 Occurrences)
.. Jeremiah 32:12 and I gave the writing of the purchase unto Baruch the son of Nerijah,
the son of Maaseiah, in the sight of Hanameel mine uncle's son, and in ..
/n/nerijah.htm - 9k

Dictation (5 Occurrences)
.. Jeremiah 36:4 Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah; and Baruch wrote from
the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of Yahweh, which he had spoken to him ..
/d/dictation.htm - 8k

Shelemiah (10 Occurrences)
.. (8) Ancestor of Jehudi (Jeremiah 36:14). (9) Septuagint omits.) Son of Abdeel, one
of the men sent by Jehoiakim to seize Baruch and Jeremiah after Baruch had ..
/s/shelemiah.htm - 12k

Jeremy (2 Occurrences)
.. In the bestknown printed of the Septuagint (Tischendorf, Swete, etc.), the order
is Jeremiah, Baruch, Lain, Epistle of Jeremy. In Fritzsche, Lib. ..
/j/jeremy.htm - 12k

5 Baruchrejected Scriptures Meaning

.. There is need of patience (James 5:7, etc.; compare 2 Esdras 4:34; Baruch 83:4).
But it is at hand (1 Peter 4:7 Revelation 1:3; Revelation 22:10; compare 2 ..
/p/parousia.htm - 36k

Jehudi (3 Occurrences)
.. Easton's Bible Dictionary A Jew, son of Nethaniah. He was sent by the princes to
invite Baruch to read Jeremiah's roll to them (Jeremiah 36:14, 21). Int. ..
/j/jehudi.htm - 8k

Gemariah (5 Occurrences)
..Baruch read aloud to the people from Gemariah's chamber, and again in the hearing
of Gemariah and other scribes, the prophecies of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 36:11-20 ..
/g/gemariah.htm - 9k

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